Image Curation

Cats and the internet go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you are browsing a huge number of websites, there is a good chance that an image of a kitty cat (or several) will make its digital way to you.
For this blog post I wanted to explore the concept of image and photo creation, and I have a fun little concept to explore for this post!

The first examples of photos I have posted below are of my two beautiful cats, Walter Whitepaws (orange kitty) and Darth Vader (black kitty). I had captured two separate photos from two separate occasions in a lucky shot as they lounged next to my boyfriend’s Xbox controllers. These are some of our favorite pictures of our “little gamer cats” and are absolutely priceless!

Photo by Alisha McBroom

My next example of image curation uses an image that reflects a Creative Commons Liscence. As explained by Creative Commons, “Creative Commons licenses give everyone from individual creators to large institutions a standardized way to grant the public permission to use their creative work under copyright law.” On the Openverse website I entered in the keywords “cat playing video games” and was greeted with eight images to select from.

I chose the image that is posted below featuring a grey cat that was titled “Loki wanting to catch the movement on the TV of a video game”.

Jon Ross (user jon_a_ross), CC, via Openverse

My last featured image for this post is an example of using generative A.I tools. I chose to utilize Gemini (powered by Google) for this image. Using the same keywords “cat playing video games” I encountered an image that I fell in love with! I was met with an image of a black and orange cat, both holding video game controllers with determined looks on their A.I feline faces.

“Cats playing video games” image, created using Gemini.

It is such a unique time to be alive with so many varieties of original and artificial sources to choose from, and making sure proper credit is placed is an important practice and rule to maintain.

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