• Who Owns Our Conversations?

    Hello there! For my post today I wanted to explore the topic of the state of who owns our digital conversations. The way that social media websites and platforms, and our uses for them, have evolved over the years has had a profound impact on society. There are definitely both benefits and drawbacks to these…

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  • Beneficial Deepfake Technology?

    Hello there! For this blog assignment I had to imagine a theoretical scenario in which deepfake technology could be used for beneficial purposes. While pondering the possibilities, I remembered when a trending topic in the media involved this very subject. Controversial rapper Kanye West had gifted his then-wife Kim Kardashian a hologram of her late…

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  • Learning Wikipedia Editing

    Hello there! For my blog assignment and project this week I learned about editing Wikipedia with my user account. Like many others (likely including yourself) I love learning and falling into Wikipedia “rabbit holes” of knowledge. It is so easy to lose track of time while leaning new and readily available information, and I was…

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  • Rewriting A.I Text

    For the blog assignment this week, I experimented with A.I tools through exploring ChatGPT. The topic was to explore a subject that I know a lot about and create a prompt for the program to write about in lightning speed. The subject that I wanted it to write about is how the animated series South…

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  • 5 Examples of Happiness

    Hello there and welcome to my blog post! For my video posting I wanted to pick a subject that is always worth exploring: the beautiful little spark of joy that brings meaning to others. What that happiness and comfort stems from is so uniquely personal and one of my favorite topics to explore. Losing my…

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  • Image Curation

    Cats and the internet go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you are browsing a huge number of websites, there is a good chance that an image of a kitty cat (or several) will make its digital way to you.For this blog post I wanted to explore the concept of image and photo creation,…

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