There’s No Place Like Home 💜☮︎🪐

Who Owns Our Conversations?

Hello there! For my post today I wanted to explore the topic of the state of who owns our digital co…

Beneficial Deepfake Technology?

Hello there! For this blog assignment I had to imagine a theoretical scenario in which deepfake tech…

Learning Wikipedia Editing

Hello there! For my blog assignment and project this week I learned about editing Wikipedia with my …

Rewriting A.I Text

For the blog assignment this week, I experimented with A.I tools through exploring ChatGPT. The topi…

Image Curation

Cats and the internet go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you are browsing a huge number of…

Welcome to My Blog!

“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.”

-Bill hicks
My “Inspire to Unwind” playlist! 😊🎧♬
