Beneficial Deepfake Technology?

Hello there! For this blog assignment I had to imagine a theoretical scenario in which deepfake technology could be used for beneficial purposes. While pondering the possibilities, I remembered when a trending topic in the media involved this very subject.
Controversial rapper Kanye West had gifted his then-wife Kim Kardashian a hologram of her late father, Robert Kardashian, who had passed away in 2003. The gesture was met with mixed reviews. The premise, however, I feel has the potential to benefit an individual’s grief healing process through deepfake technology if utilized in a professional setting.

According to Arabian Business, “While the use of deepfake tech has raised concerns over potential misuse, particularly when it comes to scams, experts believe that in the realm of grief and healing, these tools can be quite transformative. Those grappling with the profound pain of loss may be able to find solace and closure, allowing them to hear their voice once more, see their smile, and experience a virtual connection that might ease the ache of absence and offer them a chance to express unfinished conversations or seek closure.”
If an individual uses this technology, ideally with the aid of a trusted professional like a grief counselor, it could be used as a tool for closure in a painful healing process. It may not be for everyone, but for some they may find it deeply personal and beneficial.

I added below an application-based a.i generated video of an advertisement for the theoretical deepfake grief service.

“Text-to video” a.i video, created using Vibro.

Using the same text-to-a.i service, Vibro, I created an example of what a deepfake grief message could look like.

“Text-to video” a.i video, created using Vibro.

With the use of advanced technology like this, it could result in an easier grief processing period for a person who is struggling with the loss of a loved one. 🕊️

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