My 24-Hour Media Diary

I chose to start my 24-hour documentation period about my media use at 5pm on January 10th. I recorded my results in a notebook that I am digitally transferring to this blog post.

5pm- Canvas on my laptop to begin working on assignments for my three classes for Spring A at ASU.
7:30pm- I turned on Netflix through my phone app and watched an episode of Gilmore Girls (Season 1, episode 17 “The Breakup, Part 2”).
8:45pm- Watched some videos YouTube through my phone app from creator Cinnamontoastken.
9:30pm- Worked on more school assignments through Canvas on my laptop while listening to my personally made lo-fi playlist.
Midnight- I used the Peacock app on my phone to watch the film We Need to Talk About Kevin. Earlier in the week I had listened to the audiobook on YouTube and felt like watching the film again to compare to its literary counterpart. It is a wonderfully dark work of fiction and I highly recommend it.
2:30am- Time for sleep. I cue back up my lo-fi playlist and drift off to sleep listening to it.
9:30am- Wake up with a phone alarm. I check my texts and emails.
9:45am- Watch some YouTube while getting ready for my day. I chose to watch some videos from Bruce Rivers.
11:45am- Work on school assignments through Canvas on my laptop.
2pm- Check Instagram.
2:10pm- Watched some Supernanny through Hulu using my phone app.
3:30pm- Worked on school assignments through Canvas on my laptop.
4:50pm- Time for another episode of Gilmore Girls using my Netflix phone app. (Season 1, episode 18, “The Third Lorelai”).

Through my 24-hour period I realized how excessive my screen time was. I feel the most credible sources that appeared in my diary were Canvas, since it is utilized through Arizona State University and has oceans of information within the classes offered.

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